Saturday, June 2, 2012

In a Low-Tech, Post-Apocalyptic World, What Would You Want Your Job to Be?

Feel free to comment here and I'll forward your responses along to Technoccult, or check out Klint's original post for some interesting reader feedback.

I asked this on Twitter last night, but thought it would make a good cross-platform discussion:
What would you want your job to be in a low-tech post-apocalypse?
I think I’d go with “messenger.” I don’t have a lot of practical skills, but I can run long distances and convey information. I haven’t read David Brin’s The Postman, but I think starting a postal service would be up my ally.
My comment:
Sky Cosby says:
Klint - I think I would still want to be a bookdealer, or whatever form of information broker was around in that new age. Though I do have a nice varied arsenal of primitive skills I’ve picked up… but honestly, depending on the nature of collapse, I think choosing one’s position/job would be even more of a luxury than it is now. I would, by default, and in no particular order, be: a farmer, a hunter, a father, a lover, a pro-creator, a handy-man, a scavenger, a teacher… you get the picture.
And I highly recommend The Postman. I finally read that one last year, to further round out the ridiculous dozens of disaster novels I’ve digested over the decades. It was quite entertaining… and somehow I’d managed to avoid watching the film all these years, so that was a treat to watch Kevin Costner butcher the role after such a good book. There should be a term for that…
anyway, enjoy it when you get to it. i’m going to steal your post for Last Earth Distro, I’ll let you know if anyone comes up with anything interesting.


  1. I would be a normal city dweller. I'd pick off what I could from whoever was around me that wasnt strong enough to hold tight to it. So pretty much a gangster.

  2. i think i would be a savager searching the ruins for anything valuable or useful

  3. I totally would be a teacher... the kind of giving advices for a lifetime (life-coach)...
